Hamiltons January Program featuring Margaret Coker, Editor in Chief of The Current

  • January 18, 2022
  • 3:30 PM
  • Zoom Meeting


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Reviving American Democracy: how In-depth local journalism fosters engaged citizenry

Our presenter will be Margaret Coker, Editor in Chief of The Current, a non-profit news organization that provides original, in-depth watchdog journalism affecting Savannah and Coastal Georgia.

Margaret will discuss the disappearance of in-depth local journalism across America, the rise of disinformation and how nonprofit news outlets like The Current seek to reverse that trend and bolster democracy in the process.

America's founders based our republic on the revolutionary idea of an engaged citizenry -- that average men and women would participate in elections, decide who runs the government and how to improve society thanks to the free flow of high quality, trustworthy journalism.  What happens to democracy when trustworthy news is absent from local communities -- or that information is flowing for the good of corporations or bankers, instead of residents of local communities?

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